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To Racers Outside Japan

この度、第3回目となるCTR Japan Cupを開催する運びとなりました。
第2回目の"CTR Japan Cup - Autumn 2020"では海外レーサーを招待するという新たな試みに挑戦し、無事成功を収めることが出来ました。
しかし、誠に残念ながら今回の"CTR Japan Cup - Summer 2021"では参加資格に「日本国籍の所持または日本在住のどちらかを満たしている」条件を設けることとなりました。
ぜひ、ご覧いただけると幸いです。 最後までお読みいただきありがとうございます。
CTR Japan Cup - Summer 2021
Hello to racers outside Japan,
We are proud to announce that the third CTR Japan Cup will be held soon this summer.
In the previous tournament, we decided to invite some special guests from around the world to bring higher competition, and we feel that our goal was successfully achieved.
However, unfortunately, we have decided that this time we will limit the competitors to those of Japanese nationality and/or who are living in Japan.
The reasons to this decision are the following:
・Since this tournament is called “Japan Cup”, our goal is to prioritize domestic players and give them more opportunity for participation.
・ If we try to involve players from any country, we will have to deal with a massive number of participants which will be very difficult for us admins to organize. Please understand that this event is run by voluntary admins only.
We sincerely apologize to those who cannot participate, but we hope you understand our situation.
On the other hand, we plan to finish this event with exhibition matches between foreign guest racers and each PS4 tournaments’ finalists.For our guests, we plan to invite some of the most famous players in the competitive scene. We will try our best to set up the most exciting game possible, and we hope you look forward to it and join our audience.
Thank you for reading,
CTR Japan Cup – Summer 2021
Chief Organizer, daiki
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